śākhabhakṣakaḥ Biḍālaḥ (शाकभक्षकः बिडालः)

Type: Books
Price: $6.00


Part of four book series. Colorful pictorial book for children as well as others. Plese see product details for more information. Other books in this series - Kūjakaḥ Cikroḍaḥ (FC124), Raktavarṇīyaḥ Citrakaṭaḥ (FC125), and Śarabhabhrāmakam (FC127).

Some say he's different. Others say he's weird. He is the vegetarian cat!  But, he is also a famous rat catcher. Go, figure.  Originally written in English by Jyoti Yelagalawadi and translated by Naresh Cuntoor. Also, in this series - Kūjakaḥ Cikroḍaḥ  (FC124), Raktavarṇīyaḥ Citrakaṭaḥ (FC125), and Śarabhabhrāmakam (FC127)..<

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