Kūjakaḥ Cikroḍaḥ (कूजकः चिक्रोडः)

Type: Books
Price: $6.00


Part of four book series. Colorful pictorial book for children as well as others. Plese see product details for more information. Other books in this series - Raktavarṇīyaḥ Citrakaṭaḥ (FC125), Śākhabhakṣakaḥ Biḍālaḥ (FC126), and Śarabhabhrāmakam (FC127).

Chirpy needs to be taken care of. But he is a wild animal. How can a child make sure that the baby chipmunk survives and what should she do when it grows up?  Interested?  Read this colorful story book.  Originally written in English by Jyoti Yelagalawadi and translated by H.K Ramapriya.  Also, in this series - Raktavarṇīyaḥ Citrakaṭaḥ (FC125), Śākhabhakṣakaḥ Biḍālaḥ (FC126), and Śarabhabhrāmakam (FC127).<

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